I heard something this week about narcissism that flared off one of those rare “ah ha!” moments.  It made everything relating to Narc Boss clearer.  (My narc boss shall not be identified except by the name Narcadoodle J. Boss or a shortened version like “Narc Boss.”)

After a brush up against one of these ghouls,  you may find as I have that videos with quality content can help a great deal.

Since February of this year, I knew that it was soon going to be time to shuck-a-narc.

I had worked for Mr. Narcadoodle J. Boss for nine years.   Seven of those years I spent working with minimal contact with him.  He gave me work; I did it.  He paid me.  In fact, he paid me well as his content writer so I tolerated his idiosyncrasies when on occasion they arose.

A more normal-thinking person would have sized the same situation up that I dealt with the last two years and said “B.S.  I am out of here.” But, I’ve got weaknesses when it comes to dealing with narcissists.  (Hell, I was raised in a nest of them.)  So, I used good anti-narc videos and other media content to stiffen my resolve.

My favorites are Dr. Sam Vaknin and Richard Grannon.  From time to time, I watch the Understanding Narcissist Channel on YouTube, as well.

From Dr. Sam Vaknin’s videos, I learned about Richard Grannon.  I have followed Vaknin for years.  I first ran across him in Suite 101 many years ago.  Vaknin (who actually is a clinically diagnosed narcissist) referred to Grannon in one of his videos and said Grannon had uncommonly well-researched content unlike many, so I tuned in to watch.

Grannon is good medicine.  He’s a jolly virtual ringmaster to thousands who have been the victims of narcissists.

Ringmaster how?  Well, he’s damned determined to humor, tease, cajole, demand, counsel, and even train victims of narcissistic abuse to get out of the pit and moving forward.  He isn’t polished–he’s real, never boring. I have bought at least $100 in his products of seminar and books and feel like they were worth every dollar.

FINALLY, Getting to the Point

Anyhow, on Monday of this week, I heard Grannon say that he and Vaknin had hosted a webinar together in the U.K. at the first of the month.  During their opportunities to visit over dinner and so forth, Grannon said that Vaknin drove home the point to him that a narcissist’s actions –and all of his or her ridiculous behaviors– are for one purpose: to obtain narcissistic supply.

That helped me see better what some of the nutty behaviors were about.

Bing…the light bulb went on!  Daddy’s, Mother’s and my step-mother’s shenanigans even made more sense.  All the narcissists I had known in my life and their odd patterns of love-hate behaviors were more understandable.  I could see where the motivating factors came from.

All the narcissists I had known in my life and their odd patterns of love-hate behaviors were more understandable.  I could see where the motivating factors came from.

To understand the weird jabbering and some of the performances, try seeing these actors in the context of how the behavior brings the narcissist a delivery of narcissistic supply.

Try listening to Grannon and Vaknin.

Vaknin made me realize the chilling fact that a narcissist intends to destroy his victim.  There’s not going to be a good middle ground.  It’s not going to get better or level off.

If you are reading this and you have a narcissist in your life, get rid of that situation before it destroys you.








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